
Wed Mar 09, 2022

Dynamic Pass Box in Pharmaceutical

Dynamic Pass Box in Pharmaceutical

Pass box is one of the cleanroom systems used to transfer materials from one area to another through a controlled environment. Pass boxes help in controlling the contamination and cross-contamination. If any particular dust is present on the surface of materials, it will automatically pass through the filter present on the pass box during the operation. The interlocking door mechanism is the main feature of a pass box. When the door on one side is open, the door on the other side remains closed. Pass boxes are of two types static and dynamic pass box.

Dynamic Pass Box working principle

 A Dynamic pass through box works like an airlock or laminar air flow unit. Clean air enters in the pass through box and prevents the entrance of the contamination. A Dynamic pass box may be cascade, sink or bubble type similar to airlocks in pharmaceuticals.

Pass box features:

The pass box (static and dynamic pass box) have a few same difference such as;


•            Control panel

•            UV light

•            Door handle

•            Electromagnetic lock

•            Magnehelic Gauge


Types of pass boxes in pharmaceutical

1.  Dynamic pass box

2.  Static pass box


1. Dynamic pass box: Dynamic pass box is mainly installed between non controlled environments to a controlled environment. We can say it is used to pass materials from non-controlled to a controlled area. the main features of the dynamic pass box are:

•  A Dynamic pass box is made of Stainless steel (SS 304), having a cubical shape.

•  A dynamic pass box may be of different kinds like cascade, sink, or bubble.

•  It has an interlocking system on both sides to protect from contamination and cross-contamination.

•  Dynamic pass box door can open one side at once, and one door will be closed other side.

•  It is fitted with a suction filter of around 0.3 microns with a HEPA filter.

•  Dynamic pass box also fitted with a pressure Magnehelic gauge ranging from 0 to 25 mm of WC.

•  It also contained a motor blower of 1/5 hp to blow out dust particles.

•  Dynamic pass box is also fitted with a UV light of 18 watts.

•  It also has a fluorescent lamp of around 20 watts to produce visible light.

Related Post: SOP on Cleaning and Operation of Dynamic Pass Boxes


2. Static pass box: Static pass box is used to transfer products or materials between the same or clean environments. the important  features of a static pass box are:

•  Static pass box also made of stainless steel with having the cubical shape

•  It has an electromagnetic interlock system with an LED indicator on both sides to indicate the doors.

• In the static pass box, UV light of 8 watts with the fluorescent lamp in the static pass, a box is about 40 watts.

• The static pass box must have a UV light meter with their uses records.

• The static pass does not fit with a filter.

Leading Pass Box manufacturers in India

Accumax India is a prominent Pass Box manufacturers in India,Asia and Middle East countries.We design and manufacture Pass Box according to the need of our customer.We are known for offering Pass Box at a fair price with excellent warranty terms.